Thursday, September 8, 2011

Labor Day

        So Labor day was a bust. Because of all the bad weather, we couldnt take Big Mama to Panama City, Flordia. She was really disappointed, but instead we took her to Red Lobster. We did want to risk driving a handicap van on wet roads, or getting there and it just being awful weather the whole weekend. My plans changed from going to Panama to chasing around my nephews all weekend. My nephews live three hours away in Dahlonega, so I rarely get to see them. But my mother decided to bring them home this weekend with her. Will is the oldest, he is turning six september twelve. And Caleb is the youngest, he is turning three. I mean it when I say they are a handfull. Saturday we took them swimming in our neighborhood pool, but it was pretty chilly. Caleb jumped in once a decided it was too cold for him so he didnt want anyting else to do with the pool. Will on the other hand found some kids his age to play with and had a blast. Sunday we took them over to visit Big Mama and Big Daddy because they didnt go to Red Lobster with us to see them they instead went to visit their grandpa. Thankfully Mom took the boys back to dahlonega sunday afternoon so I could have some peace and quiet and actually get some homework done. Im used to being by myself so I was  little overwhelmed with kids running around my clean house! Monday I was all alone to clean up the mess those boys left behind. Talk about a fun Labor day.
     I have been trying to keep the house really clean because it's on the market. So if realitors want to stop by and show the house it needs to look nice. Someone come by my house! My house is for sale because my mother's job was relocated to Stone Mountain. The Post Office will buy the house after it's on the market for a certain number of days. They will have two appraisers look at the house and average the two appraisles. But sometimes their bids aren't as much as the true value of the house. So it's best if someone else buys it. It's a very nice house in one of the "better" neighborhoods in Gray. I just hope my mom can get her value out of the house so she can buy her a nice house in the area of her new job.